Dear Cherished Readers:
It’s that time of year again: the end. Which can only mean it’s time for all the “best of the year lists.” Best books, best movies, best albums, best hockey goals, best startups, best advice . . . There are a lot of “best of” lists!
Did you ever wonder who compiles these lists? Who gets to decide what’s the best? It’s a subjective business, ripe for misguided and biased opinions. That’s why this year, instead of me telling you what’s popular and best on, I decided to ask you, my loyal readers, to vote on your favorite blog posts in various categories.
I want to thank all of you who took the time out of your busy schedules to participate in my reader’s poll. And I wish you all the best in 2023 and hope you continue to be a regular reader of this blog. You’re all “the best of” in my eyes.
Here are the results of the poll:
Best Moody Reflection
- Life is Good Meets the Man in Black. There are two opposing forces in the world. I’m both of them.
- Runner Up: Summoning the Crows. It’s called a “coping mechanism.”
Best Cheery Reflection
- What a Start to the Day! Some days shine. You’ve got both your Mo and your Jo.
- Runner Up: Hope Springs Eternal. Sometimes a moment of paying attention is all it takes.
Best Advice – Given or Gotten
- A Way to Make Life More Bearable. It has to do with writing and something Kurt Vonnegut said.
- Runners Up: How to Appear More Intelligent (Who can resist?). My Lesson From Tom’s Life (Universally applicable). Fake Friends are Good for You (I’ve always believed this, but never really spoke about it).
Best Novel Published
- “The Culling.” You won’t regret checking out my dystopian thriller.
Best Original Work of Short Fiction
- “There Are Six of Us.” I got into the narrative voice and continue to expand this story.
- Runner Up: “My Father Started a Fire.”
Best Unauthorized Blending of Fact and Fiction
- “I Caught Her Reading My Journal.” I don’t believe I should have to answer the question: “Did this really happen?”
Best Photo
Runner Up:
Best True Confession
- Rest in Peace, Old Nemesis. I heard about this one from some people who also knew Tim.
Best Guest Post
- The False Narrative About Being Fat. Julia Klein is an insightful writer and we can all benefit from this post.
Best Use of Technology
- Facebook at its Finest. Sometimes the rabbit hole is a rewarding adventure and you come across a gem from JD Salinger.
Best Expression of Hope
- Long Live the Sugar Maple. This tree is important to me, and Owen is doing his best to save it.
Best Reminiscence
- Many Years Ago on Mother’s Day. Short and nostalgic.
Best Reporting or Opinion on Current Events
- Ten Percent Off Your Next Order of Health Care! Wow, does our healthcare system need fixing. (I’m fortunate enough to be working with a client, MVP Health Care, that is working hard to bring about positive change.)
- Runner Up: Capital Exploits Labor. You don’t have to be a communist to see what’s going on here.
Part II: Reviews
Throughout the year, I post reviews of some of the stuff I read and watch.
- The Anomaly
- The Catcher in the Rye
- Self-Help
- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
- The Plot Against America
- A Visit From the Goon Squad
- The Bluest Eye
- The Slap
- Mercy Street
- The Candy House
- Sea of Tranquility
- American Pastoral
- In the Lake of the Woods
- The Burning
- Crossroads