Song for the Next Unknown


A while ago I wrote lyrics for a friend of mine who’s a singer-songwriter and I’m back at it. The timing is right because I’ve become interested in the most rudimentary element of poetry and lyrics: rhyming schemes. I’ve been spending way too much time playing with language and experimenting with rhyming patterns and how they shape–and are shaped by–theme and meaning.

Door closes behind, face made-up brave
Moving on to the bright life she craves
You have to admit you never intended
The wave at its crest be forever suspended

A toothbrush forgotten, a bottle of lotion
Books on a shelf, a mysterious potion
A bird outside, its song sounds haunted
The alternate note is to continue undaunted

Too late to impart wisdom or look into eyes
Words still unsaid, you now realize
You made this path, said someone more wise
Nature’s order will never succumb
The black night swells, the sun will rise
We return to stars from where we’ve come

Turn to greet the ghosts who roam
Your labor now is reap what you’ve sown
And embrace as you can the next unknown

By David Klein

David Klein

Published novelist, creative writer, journalist, avid reader, discriminating screen watcher.


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