Every day is national something awareness day and I just found out today is Siblings Day. I’d have felt horrible if I hadn’t raised a glass (you know what I like) in love and gratitude. How lucky I am to have this crew on my side. Five of us separated by 6.5 years. What kind of insanity had hold of my parents?
These bigger families, it’s a lot of lives to keep track of when you’re young. You take care of each and ignore each other both. We grew into each other as we grew up and now we’re closer than ever and thankfully all still here. “On the right side of the ground,” says Peter.

I swiped this photo from my sister Keyna’s facebook page. She’s far left with the neon halo just missing its mark, in from Kansas City. Given we’re in a bar, with sports on television, and a regiment of beer taps, I’m pretty confident we’re in Buffalo. Maybe the old Sterling. Susan, far right, lives right down the block. Peter, standing above us, also lives in the neighborhood, near where we grew up in North Buffalo. Nancy is next to me, in from New Jersey.
I’m not sure why we were together, or when this photo was snapped or by whom. Maybe a dozen years ago. It wasn’t summer, or we would have been at the cottage. It wasn’t winter, given how we’re dressed. But we’re smiling big for the camera, and must have been happy to be together.

I think we all have a copy of this old family photo on display in our homes. Don’t my suspenders and shirt collar make me look dashing? Imagine getting five kids to pose properly for a photo. Mistakes were made.
And then there are these two, Owen and Julia, now young adults. I should just say adults. What warms my heart is seeing these two grow into each other, much the way I did with my siblings.