When You Want It Bad


Have you not known the crushing burden and weightlessness of intense desire for someone or something. The wanting, the longing, the waiting, the hoping, the whirlpooling and churning inside you, the straining of your composure when you can’t affect the outcome, when no voodoo or charms or superstitions or prayers will help. You can only wait for fortuity to turn you way. You have no control. You have self-control stockpiled, a treasure chest of self-discipline, the most rigorous stature and mental fortitude, but you can’t handle this. This is your flaw, your weakness. You desire. You covet. The wanting, the longing, the waiting, the uncertainty—you tolerate what is thrust upon you, you want it bad, so bad, the high, the redemption, the validation, the love, the pleasure, the win, you want it bad and you have no control, you are breathless over it, bending the knee to your desire and dream.

By David Klein

David Klein

Published novelist, creative writer, journalist, avid reader, discriminating screen watcher.


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