Make room please for one more anonymous submission to the genre of road trip movies and novels and musings that blazed before me, my quest a distant mirage, obstacles to cross, the road itself a character of quirks and demands, intent, driven, the vehicle a featured star, its wheels droning upon miles of pavement, painted lines, blurring past gray and rusted guardrails, the interstate slicing and cutting and carving the landscape
Forward forward forward
Warehouses planted next to major interstates
Chains to eat in and chains to sleep in and chains to fuel the determined traveler
Long numbing stretches between cities
If I’m lucky I have someone beside me to have a deep talk, share the sunrise and sunset on either end of the day, as long as the weather holds ahead
Ahead, always ahead, a mile and another mile
Did you see that billboard
Look what that driver did
I love this song
Ah, finally, a stretch of smooth road
Lucky too if I’m alone with my straight-up solitude, the sound switched off, immersed in the driving moment, the signal, the pass, the pause, the timing of the flow and sense of the pattern and the path I am choosing, alongside countless other paths and other stories, my path, my destination beyond the horizon ahead and ahead
Where am I going, when will I arrive, what will I do, what will change
For now a moment on the road