This is a photo of Mirror Lake in the Village of Lake Placid in upstate New York. One of those lights on the far shore is a catalyst to my imagination.
I am inexorably drawn to Lake Placid and the Adirondack Mountains. For its natural beauty. For the 46 High Peaks of the Adirondacks (those summits over 4,000 feet). For the lovely village and one of my favorite bookstores—The Bookstore Plus—which has twice generously hosted author signings for me.
Something more draws me to the area: the clash of cultures. There is tremendous wealth evidenced by the multimillion dollar waterfront homes. It’s all about location. And there is also poverty evidenced by the struggle of rural residents who lack economic opportunity. Also about location.
There are progressive thinkers, and then there is the guy I saw wearing a shirt that said Trump: Let’s make the liberals cry. I wanted to shove him. Of course, I didn’t.
This beauty and this clash motivated me to use Lake Placid and its surrounding area as the setting for the novel I’m working on now, called THE SUITOR, where two young people from vastly different backgrounds—and with different motives—fall in love and impulsively decide to marry. Complications, many, ensue.
Right now, the novel is still in the dark, overcast stage, much like the photo here, with a couple of lights shining through. It’s an ominous moment, which could turn out well, or not. I have work to do, much work.